Course Content
Introduction to the topic of honesty and integrity in the workplace. The importance of these values in building trust and maintaining a positive work environment.
Understanding the Impact of Honesty
The impact of honesty on personal and professional relationships. Examples of how dishonesty can harm individuals and organizations.
Ethical Decision-Making
Understand the ethical decision-making process, including identifying ethical dilemmas, considering consequences, and choosing the right course of action. Examples of ethical dilemmas that may arise in the workplace and how to handle them.
Support, Accountability and Consequences
Common resources available to staff for addressing ethical issues - suggestion boxes, confidential hotline or ethics committee. How to seek support and guidance when faced with difficult ethical decisions. Consequences of dishonesty and unethical behavior in the workplace. The importance of accountability and the role each individual plays in upholding honesty and integrity.
Questions & Activities
The Honesty Course
About Lesson

    Why should everyone be concerned about being honest?

  1. Honesty is the foundation of trust in any relationship.
  2. It involves telling the truth, even when it’s difficult.
  3. Honesty means being transparent and authentic in your interactions.
  4. It requires integrity and consistency in your words and actions.
  5. Honesty builds credibility and respect.
  6. It fosters open communication and collaboration.
  7. Honesty involves admitting mistakes and taking responsibility.
  8. It creates a positive work culture based on trust and integrity.
  9. Honesty promotes ethical behavior and decision-making.
  10. It enhances personal and professional relationships.
  11. Honesty is essential for effective leadership.
  12. It builds a reputation of reliability and trustworthiness.
  13. Honesty requires courage and conviction to do what is right.
  14. It involves being truthful with yourself and others.
  15. Honesty is a key value in building a successful career.
  16. It creates a sense of fairness and justice in the workplace.
  17. Honesty is about being accountable for your actions.
  18. It promotes a culture of transparency and accountability.
  19. Honesty leads to better problem-solving and decision-making.
  20. It helps prevent misunderstandings and conflicts.
  21. Honesty is essential for building strong teams and partnerships.
  22. It fosters a sense of integrity and authenticity.
  23. Honesty is the cornerstone of ethical conduct.
  24. It contributes to a positive work environment and morale.
  25. Honesty guides our actions and relationships.