Course Content
Introduction to the topic of honesty and integrity in the workplace. The importance of these values in building trust and maintaining a positive work environment.
Understanding the Impact of Honesty
The impact of honesty on personal and professional relationships. Examples of how dishonesty can harm individuals and organizations.
Ethical Decision-Making
Understand the ethical decision-making process, including identifying ethical dilemmas, considering consequences, and choosing the right course of action. Examples of ethical dilemmas that may arise in the workplace and how to handle them.
Support, Accountability and Consequences
Common resources available to staff for addressing ethical issues - suggestion boxes, confidential hotline or ethics committee. How to seek support and guidance when faced with difficult ethical decisions. Consequences of dishonesty and unethical behavior in the workplace. The importance of accountability and the role each individual plays in upholding honesty and integrity.
Questions & Activities
The Honesty Course
About Lesson

Here are some ways you can ensure your honesty remains topnotch at work.

1. Code of Conduct: Familiarize yourself with your organization’s code of conduct, which outlines the expected standards of behavior, ethical guidelines, and values that employees are expected to uphold.

2. Ethics Training: Participate in ethics training programs provided by your organization or other training institutions such as Public Service Training Institute (PSTI) to understand key ethical principles, decision-making frameworks, and how to navigate ethical dilemmas in the workplace.

3. Whistleblower Hotline: If you witness or suspect unethical behavior, fraud, or misconduct in the workplace, utilize the organization’s whistleblower hotline or reporting mechanism to report concerns confidentially and anonymously. You may also consider using the suggestion box.

4. Transparent Communication: Engage in open and transparent communication with your colleagues, supervisors, and management. Be honest in your interactions, provide accurate information, and address any concerns or issues openly.

5. Accountability Systems: Take ownership of your actions and decisions, and hold yourself accountable for meeting deadlines, fulfilling commitments, and delivering on your responsibilities.

6. Conflict of Interest Policies: Familiarize yourself with your organization’s policies on conflicts of interest and disclose any potential conflicts that may arise in your work to maintain transparency and integrity.

7. Data Privacy and Confidentiality: Respect and protect sensitive information, data, and confidential materials in your possession. Adhere to data privacy regulations and organizational policies on information security.

8. Performance Reviews: Engage in regular performance reviews with your supervisor to discuss your work, receive feedback on your performance, and set goals for improvement. Use these opportunities to address any ethical concerns or challenges you may face.

9. Professional Development: Invest in your professional development and ethical competence by seeking opportunities for continuous learning, training, and skill development in areas related to ethics and integrity. You are doing that already as you participated in this training.

10. Seek Guidance: If you encounter ethical dilemmas or uncertainty in your work, seek guidance from your supervisor, ethics officer, HR department, or other relevant resources within the organization to discuss the situation and explore ethical solutions.